What is Knee Arthroscopy?
Knee arthroscopy is a surgical procedure that allows doctors to view the knee joint without making a large incision (cut) through the skin and other soft tissues. Arthroscopy is used to diagnose and treat a wide range of knee problems.
A common complaint amongst nearly everyone is knee pain. There can be several reasons or causes for knee pain, such as a tear in the cartilage or ligament or the onset and effects of arthritis. Depending on the cause of your knee pain, treatments for knee pain can vary, from conservative nonsurgical care to minimally invasive knee surgery and knee replacements.
Why is Knee Arthroscopy Required?
It is recommended to carry out a knee arthroscopy in the patients experiencing the knee pain. The surgeon may sometimes identify the reasons behind the knee pain or they may want to confirm it with the help of knee arthroscopy.
Arthroscopy is very helpful in detecting as well as repairing the joint ligaments and also in the treatment of various other factors linked with knee problems. These conditions are listed below.
- Anterior Cruciate ligament reconstruction
- Torn surface or articular cartilage
- Patello-femoral (knee-cap) disorders
- Removal of cysts
- Broken or damaged
- Torn floating cartilage or meniscus
- Damaged Washout of infected knees
These 6 Bad Habits Are Making Your Knee Pain WORSE
1) Ignoring the Inflammation Connection
2) Wearing High Heels
3) Kneeling Without Padding
4) Continuing Activities That Cause You Pain
5) Gaining Excess Weight
6) Getting Out of Shape